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Dyeing process of ribbon

Release time:2019-08-16 14:25:59  Number of visits:

The ribbon can be used not only as a kind of garment accessories, but also as a kind of textile. There are two main methods for dyeing ribbons. One is the most widely used dyeing (conventional dyeing), which is mainly treated by placing the ribbons in a chemical dye solution. Another method is to use coatings, which are made into tiny insoluble colored particles to adhere to fabrics (not included in the dyeing of fibre raw liquor). Here is a brief introduction to the dyeing process of the ribbon.

Dyestuff is a kind of complex organic substance, and there are many kinds of dyestuff.

1. Acidic dyes are mostly suitable for protein fibers, nylon fibers and silk. It is characterized by bright color, poor washability and excellent dry cleanliness. It is widely used in natural dying dyeing.

2. Cationic dyes (alkaline fuels) are suitable for acrylic, polyester, nylon and protein fibers. It is characterized by bright color and suitable for man-made fibers, but it is poor in washing and light resistance of natural cellulose and protein fabrics.

3. Direct dyes are suitable for cellulose fabrics with poor washing fastness and different light fastness. However, the water-washing color of modified direct dyes will be improved very well.

4. Disperse dyes are suitable for viscose, acrylic, nylon, polyester and so on. Their washing fastness is different, polyester is better and viscose is worse.

5. Azo fuel (Nafto dye), suitable for cellulose fabrics, bright color, more suitable for brilliant color.

6. Reactive dyes are mostly used in cellulose fabrics, but seldom in proteins. It is characterized by bright color, light resistance, good washing and friction resistance.

7. Sulfur dyes are suitable for cellulose fabrics with dark color, mainly Tibetan blue, black and brown, excellent light and water resistance, poor chlorine bleaching resistance, long-term storage of fabrics will destroy the fibers.

8. vat dyes are suitable for cellulose fabrics. They are light-resistant, washable and resistant to chlorine bleaching and other oxidative bleaching.

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