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Dongguan Xinda Ribbon Factory
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What's a good choice for Guitar straps?

Release time:2019-08-16 14:28:57  Number of visits:

A good guitarist should not only be skilled, but also be very important in some external aspects, such as the color of the guitar, the guitar strap and so on. How to choose the strap of the guitar?

First of all, the straps are made of various materials, some are nylon, plastic, fibers and other materials. Of course, the first thing we have to choose is to put comfort and beauty in the first place.

Otherwise, the best ribbon is a waste.

In terms of comfort wind, the ribbons made of cotton or softer fabrics are more comfortable. The comfort of nylon and fibers is not so good. The comfort of nylon and fibers is more rigid. If you carry them for a long time, it may cause shoulder pain, which is a disadvantageous factor for performers.

Therefore, choosing the right ribbon is a factor that our guitarists should pay attention to.

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